Our training programs
FLS Training
Training on each exam test: Peg Transfer. Precision cutting. Ligating loop (endoloop placement). Extracorporeal Knot. Intracorporeal Knot (Intracorporeal Point). Discussion and reinforcement in theory of the FLS program.
Gymlap and ambidexterity in Laparoscopy, intracorporeal knots and sutures, extracorporeal knots, TT anastomosis, ergonomic control according to specialty, post-course monitoring, customization according to specialty, credit valid for recertification.
MiniCLAP + Biliodigestive Bypasses (TL and LL Anastomosis), Extracorporeal knots with and without running knots, ideal handling of the 45º angled laparoscope, fine skill in both hands, FLS and FUSE theory (SAGES), credit valid for recertification.
General Surgery
Placement of veress needles and trocars, theory of pneumoperitoneum and reading of the insufflator, proper use of the aspirator, use of energy in surgery, intracorporeal knots and sutures, extracorporeal knots with and without lowering knot, management of the angled laparoscope (45º), TT anastomosis , TL and LL, Liver biopsy, apendilap, colelap.
Bariatric Surgery
Pathophysiology of the bariatric patient. Trocar position, reference points, equipment and profile of the bariatric surgeon. Knots, Sutures and TIPS in Bariatric Cx. Energy Devices and Autosutures: types, uses and complications. Sleeve and complications. Bypass: Roux and complications. Bagua and complications. Revision surgery.
Gynecological Surgery
Placement of veress needles and trocars, theory of pneumoperitoneum and reading of the insufflator, proper use of the aspirator, use of energy in surgery, intracorporeal knots and sutures, extracorporeal knots with and without lowering knot, management of the angled laparoscope (45º), ligation of tubes, tubal recanalization, hysterectomy, vaginal vault suture.